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Key Points for Replacement of Automobile Parts

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Key Points for Replacement of Automobile Parts

Release date:2018-11-02 Author: Click:


Aluminum alloy automotive parts first, try to use sealant, if necessary, can be replaced by paint to achieve the ideal sealing effect.

Second, the appearance quality of rubber seals should be carefully checked before assembling, and special tools should be used to press them to avoid knocking deformation.

Third, add lubricating grease according to regulations, regularly clean and dredge ventilation holes and one-way valves, etc.

Fourth, assembly under extremely clean conditions, the working surface of the parts is free of bumps, scratches, burrs and other attachments.

Fifth, strict operating rules, seals should be installed correctly to prevent deformation in place.

Sixth, grasp the performance specifications and use requirements of seals, and replace failure parts in time.

Seventh, for thin-walled parts like edge covers, sheet metal cold is used to correct them; for parts with easy wear and tear, metal spraying, welding, gluing and mechanical processing can be used to achieve the original size.

Eighth, the breaking and loosening of nut sliding wire should be repaired or replaced, and screwed to the specified torque.

This article URL:http://en.lnthjc.com/news/399.html

Key words:QuotationofAluminumAlloyAutomotiveCastings,ProcessingofAluminumAlloyAutomobileCastings,SalesofAluminumAlloyAutomobileCastings

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