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Automobile Parts Manufacturer

Release date:2018-10-29 Author: Click:

Aluminum alloy castings

Die-casting die is one of the major types of dies. With the rapid development of China's automobile and motorcycle industry, die casting industry ushered in a new era of development. At the same time, it also puts forward higher requirements for comprehensive mechanical properties and service life of die casting die. In order to meet the increasing demand of service performance, it is still difficult to meet the demand only by the application of new die materials. It is necessary to apply various surface treatment technologies to the surface treatment of die-casting dies in order to achieve high efficiency, high precision and long life of die-casting dies. Among all kinds of dies, the working conditions of die casting dies are more stringent. Pressure casting is to make molten metal full of mould cavity at high pressure and high speed and die casting. It contacts with incandescent metal repeatedly in the working process. Therefore, it is required that die casting die has high thermal fatigue resistance, thermal conductivity, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, impact toughness, red hardness, good demoulding and so on.

Therefore, the requirements for surface treatment technology of die-casting dies are higher. In recent years, various new technologies for surface treatment of die-casting dies have been emerging. Generally speaking, they can be divided into three categories:


(1) Improvement technology of traditional heat treatment process;

(2) Surface modification technology, including surface thermal diffusive treatment, surface phase transformation strengthening, EDM strengthening technology, etc.

(3) Coating technology, including electroless plating.

This article URL:http://en.lnthjc.com/news/387.html

Key words:Priceofautomobilecastings,AutomobileCastingPlant,AutomobileCastingFactory

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