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Auto parts

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Auto parts

Release date:2018-10-31 Author: Click:

Aluminum alloy automotive castings automotive accessories are the components of the whole automotive and a kind of products for automotive service.

With the increasingly fierce competition in automobile parts processing market, the deep popularity of environmental protection concept, and the continuous upgrading and application of technology, the international automobile parts processing industry has shown the following characteristics in recent years:

(1) The trend of automotive parts processing system supporting and modular supply is in the ascendant

(2) Globalization of Auto Parts Processing and Purchasing

(3) Speed up the transfer of auto parts processing industry


There are many kinds of automotive accessories. Nowadays, more and more brands of automobiles and more types of automobiles are available. Vehicles can be divided into passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles. Passenger vehicles refer to vehicles with fewer than nine seats (including driver's seat) and the main purpose of carrying passengers. Specifically, passenger cars are divided into basic passenger cars, namely cars, MPV models, SUV models and other models such as pickups.

Commercial vehicles refer to vehicles whose seats are larger than nine (including driver's seat) or whose main purpose is to carry goods. Specifically, it can be divided into: bus, truck, semi-trailer, non-complete bus and non-complete truck.

With the improvement of people's living standard, people are consuming more and more cars, and the market of auto parts is becoming bigger and bigger. In recent years, auto parts manufacturers are also developing rapidly.

This article URL:http://en.lnthjc.com/news/396.html

Key words:QualityofAutomobileParts,FunctionofAutomobileParts,FunctionalFunctionofAutomobileParts

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