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Molding Sand and Casting Quality

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Molding Sand and Casting Quality

Release date:2018-11-06 Author: Click:

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Aluminum alloy auto parts

The smooth spot inspection of sand mixer is carried out; the finishing of grinding wheel, the height and interval of scraper are directly related to the function of sand mixing; the function of recovering sand magnetic separation and screening; the function of recovering sand cooling (sand temperature); the function of dust removal equipment, whether it can control the discharge and participation of dust; the equipment of active bentonite, coal powder measurement, sand measurement and water measurement should be checked regularly. Make sure it's authentic. Ensure the stability and function of each equipment.


Processing of moulding sand function:

The final mixing control system carries out on-line detection of CB value, moisture, sand temperature and other items, and controls mixing time, active sand discharge, etc. The detection of moulding sand function is generally monitored by production line operators on CB value (compaction ratio), moisture, compressive strength, permeability and other conventional items, the frequency is basically every few rolls; not only makes production line personnel know their own production. The quality of "product" is guaranteed by the production line personnel themselves, and the setting adjustment of sand mixing is carried out. In the laboratory, the quality class personnel monitors the content of useful clay (blue absorption method), burning reduction, mud content and sand particle size distribution (uniform fineness AFS) 1-2 times a day. Finally, the whole function is visualized on the production site, and instructs the field personnel to carry out sand mixing. Whole. The following table is the function index of moulding sand of our company (for reference only).

Adjustment of moulding sand function:

For monitoring the function of moulding sand, the upper and lower limit management table should be used to handle the trend, if the trend exceeds the limit or is not good, timely adjustments should be made to prevent adverse outbreaks. Otherwise, the relevant parts must be contacted. In addition, it is necessary to master the change of moulding sand function from mixer side to moulding side.

Analysis and Countermeasure of Casting Quality:

It is necessary to analyze the causes of bad products in castings, classify them into different categories, identify the existing ones, and identify the problems of moulding sand, mould, tooling, equipment and molten iron, then adopt relevant countermeasures. The countermeasure personnel must personally admit the bad contents of bad blanks (quality angle, bad product display platform), and must admit the countermeasures such as implementation. Recognize the role of the implementation of countermeasures, and then determine the next step of implementation; use PDCA working methods to promote continuous quality progress.

Processing of the original data:

The quality of the original and auxiliary materials must be handled, which is directly related to the quality of castings; the entry of the original and auxiliary materials must have a qualified statement (supplier supply). If conditions permit, the original and auxiliary materials should be inspected before they can be used qualified. Regularly inspect the original by-product manufacturer, acknowledge that the manufacturer can produce products to meet the needs, and put forward suggestions for improvement of the original by-product manufacturer.

Specification of Operational Essentials:

It refers to the order of the regular work, and the quality, safety and other key guidance books that should be paid attention to in each process. Anyone's work should abide by the same criterion to ensure the uniformity of quality and safety. Together, it is a tool to be used in the new person's education. Normally, the main points of standardized operation are not unchanged and can be improved, but after improvement, it is necessary for us to abide by them.

Continuous improvement:

There is no end to improvement, and we are constantly seeking high-level policies; poor localities (in any way), we must try our best to improve, and then promote the development of all aspects.

Mastery of Change Points:

In the production process, all kinds of conditions are changing, so we must grasp the change point; for example, the change of personnel, equipment setting conditions, etc. When the change point occurs, we should strengthen the frequency of quality inspection and other items to ensure the same quality and avoid bad batch outbreaks.

The way to conceive kungfu:

Conceiving, conceiving, and good ideas can be accomplished through practice, and they can play a role in terms of cost, safety, quality, reduced working hours, environment, depot reduction, standardization and so on. As long as they are good, they can inspire us to implement them, and they must be rewarded.

Practice of the Activity Group:

Each group spontaneously forms an activity group to set up topics, make plans, schedule activities, occupy difficult problems, summarize functions and announce functions; the company gives certain rewards to QC group activities, and announces excellent group topics nationwide.

Environmental Science:

Temperature, humidity, workshop lighting, noise, pollution (dust content), cleaning and hygiene. Modern foundry workshop, cleaner production, completely changed the appearance of the early foundry workshop, so that workers work in a comfortable environment. (Aluminum alloy die-casting and low-casting workshops are similar to those in machine-processing workshops where full air-conditioning is used to shut down the workshops). The dust removal equipment of foundry workshop decides the dust pollution situation of workshop and indirectly influences the dust removal effect of sand treatment. Good dust removal equipment can control the dust content in moulding sand (determine the amount of mud content), and then control the ventilation of moulding sand. It is directly related to the quality of castings.

Working environment can influence people's mood, highly polluted working environment, and operators will not have the initiative to improve quality.

Above is our experience in quality management of castings in the process of casting production, which can be used for reference.

Modern foundry industry is not only a competition in foundry technology, but also a competition in foundry management. Foundry industry needs to produce high value-added and high-quality products, which requires foundry operators not only to work hard in operation, but also to work hard in internal management, so as to make domestic casting products competitive with world casting products in both quality and cost. Making China a foundry power from a foundry power to a foundry power.

This article URL:http://en.lnthjc.com/news/405.html

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